Last updated on March 24, 2025
Basic Information
- Region: Washington County
- Address: PO Box 1491 Beaverton, OR 97075
Contact Information
Class Details
- Format: Virtual, In Person
- Type: ESL, Conversation
- Level: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced
- Cost: Free, Fee ($)
- Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
- Times: Morning, Evening
- Childcare: No Childcare Available
- Registration: Registration Required
BLC offers classes online with Zoom and in-person in Beaverton. Registration opens in early August. Classes start in September and go through the end of May. New students may register and join a class any time (through March 1), as long as space is available. After March 1, please sign up on the website and you will be notified when class registration opens in August.
Classes are held 2 times per week in the mornings or evenings, either Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are also weekly conversation groups for registered students. There are seven different class levels from introduction to level 6. Students indicate preferred class times and venues when they register.
Cost: There is a one time annual fee of $75, including all classes, books, and materials. Students may pay only $50, $25, or $0 if needed (no proof required of ability to pay).
New students should go to to register and take an online placement test. From that page, there are links to the same web page and registration form in English, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, Farsi, and Arabic.
- Coordinator: Go to the BLC website, Volunteer tab, to complete the volunteer interest form and see more details.
- Contact:
- Time Commitment: Minimum 4 month commitment, once or twice weekly classes.
- Times Available: Contact Beaverton Literacy Council for available positions. Volunteers may be lead teachers, teaching assistants, or conversation group leaders for online or in-person classes. Training and mentoring is available.
- Duties: small group tutoring, classroom aide/assistant
- Training: Training is offered for this position.